Nine Years Of Twitter Madness

© Twitter

I was recently reminded by Twitter, that it’s been nine years, since I signed up. I still remember where I was and who I was with and it was one of the best ideas ever. I had just started uni and on the first day, I met a wonderful girl, who became a wonderful friend. After a couple of weeks, we decided that we need something that distracts us a little during boring classes, so we entered the Twitter world. I think my first username was “InLovewithNY” which didn’t last very long because I wanted to sound like a celebrity. Cause Twitter is what makes you famous, right?! I even looked for pictures that looked like they could’ve been taken by the papparazzi. I mean, could I be any more pathetic?! It’s hilarious.

So obviously, I didn’t become famous, yet. I never even had a viral tweet. So sad. The fact that after 9 years, I’ve only made it to 1.3k followers clearly shows that I did something very wrong. And I did. For many years, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing on this social media platform. How do I gain followers? How do I meet people? How can I make this work? I don’t really remember when I really started blogging and using Twitter to promote myself, but can you imagine how much bigger I could be, if only I had known how it works? I would totally be Zoella.

Twitter San Francisco

So, what did I learn from Twitter?

1. Interact with people
I literally thought I was so cool that people would just read my stuff and be like “Yeah, she cool!” And I was so happy when I reached 100 followers. I mean, huge achievement, right? A few years ago, I finally discovered something called Twitter chats and I met so many great people through that. Also, the connection to other bloggers is super important and fun. The support is amazing and I’ve had so many great conversations with these people. Unfortunately, most of my Twitter-friends don’t live in Germany, but I still hope to meet some of them in real-life, someday.

2. Promote your blog posts
Did you know that when you properly promote your posts, some nice people will retweet you and help you get more readers? I didn’t for a super long time, so my numbers are ridiculously low, considering all the years I’ve been posting stuff online. It’s really helpful and I used to do it pretty regularly, once I found out. However, it is a lot of work and ever since I started working full-time, I’ve been pretty much slacking off in the online world. And I had an app that worked great for me, but now it doesn’t anymore, so that’s that. If anyone has recommendations for apps that schedule tweets, please let me know.

3. Follow people and be active
Don’t just wait for the people to follow you. See who has an interesting biography, shares the same interest as you etc. and follow them. Strike up a conversation and maybe make an online friend. And also share other people’s things, answer questions, participate in games, polls, giveaways, because it does make a huge difference. I should get back to doing more of all of this myself, but it does cost some time, that I don’t always have. I’m also lazy. But I was really happy when I reached 1k and I still am. Now, if this would only work on Instagram, but that’s a different story.


All of that being said, I never regretted being on this app, because it has given me so much, which sounds weird, but it is what it is. So many wonderful conversations, tweets that really cracked me up, finding interesting articles written by even more interesting people, and yeah, even being able to communicate with your favorite celebrities (if they answer) makes this my number one. Just to be able to write  anything that comes to my mind? Love it. And no, a journal isn’t the same because on Twitter, chances are, you’ll find someone, who thinks or feels exactly the way you do.

Find me on social media: Twitter Instagram Facebook Snapchat Pinterest Bloglovin

About haileyjaderyan

⋅ 34 ⋅ a rollercoaster ride ⋅ undateable ⋅ dreamer ⋅ explorer ⋅ disney obsessed ⋅ ♥
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5 Responses to Nine Years Of Twitter Madness

  1. Honey says:

    Wait wait… people won’t read my stuff, think I’m so awesome and follow me immediately?? What’re you talking about? haha
    When I only remember I started Twitter only to look for an actor I was in love with haha (little did I know he was never on Twitter haha)
    Twitter is such an amazing app, great for meeting people all over the world and growing your little blogger (or any other hobby) community…
    Congrats on your 9 years 😀
    also, I would just add being positive is a huge plus. I mean, not that I have followers to back this up, but I always love sharing positivity and I love other people that do so 😀

    xo Honey – blog Royal Lifestyle – Twitter – Instagram

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s such a fun place, although it has changed a lot over the years. In real life and online, everyone is sooo incredibly sensitive. Sometimes, it’s just a bit too much. I do try not to get involved much, although in real life I totally would. But I just don’t think it’s always worth it. I rather have fun chats with lovely people all over the world and get my blog out there. Still hoping for a retweet or something from a big celeb though. Only had like a tweet or two with some smaller German celebs. But oh well, maybe in another 9 years I’m the new Zoella. :D :D :D


      • Honey says:

        true. the world all together is a lot different so of course there’s difference in social media too. If I see anything that could turn into drama, I just shut it off and wait till it all passes haha
        I got an answer from Luke Perry from Beverly Hills 90210 and, as I’m a huge fan of the show, I consider it a major accomplishment :D :D
        well, I certainly like you a lot so you could be the next Zoella :D


      • As you should. 90210 is an amazing show!!!
        Thanks lovie, you know I like you too. But I’m not sure about the Zoella part… ;)


  2. Pingback: Goodbye July 2018 | The Undateable Girl's Diary

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