30 Writing Prompts for Lifestyle Bloggers #2

So I’m still doing Blogtober, even though I’m running pretty late, today. It’s really hard to keep up, cause I just have so much going on, but I’m determined to pull through. To help other bloggers, I thought, I’d put together a new list with prompts, in case someone needs an idea or two. And if these aren’t enough, also check out my list from 2016. I hope this helps and let me know, if you use one, so I can see what you’ve done with it. 

30 Blogger Prompts

01. Write about your favorite song and about what it means to you.
02. Put together random ramblings without a specific topic.
03. Share what you love about each season.
04. Make a wishlist of things you want to experience in life.
05. Let everyone know what you’re currently watching on TV.
06. Put together a new tag about just any topic you like.
07. Make a list with dates you would love to go on.
08. Give an insight to a hobby besides blogging.
09. Show everyone your recent purchases.
10. Compile an A-Z of a topic you know very well.
11. Share your feelings about something you saw on the news.
12. Give your stream of consciousness while watching a movie.
13. Do some fun personality quizzes and write about the results.
14. Put together tips for maybe a staycation/a day off/a date etc.
15. Share a list of all the little things in life that make you smile.
16. Compile a list with prompts for Blogmas.
17. Write about what you love about yourself. A little self-love never hurts.
18. Tell everyone about all the reasons why adulting sucks.
19. Put together a travel guide.
20. Share a list with #singlegirlproblems, #bloggerproblems or #firstworldproblems.
21. Write about something typical for your country.
22. If you’re a 90s kid, put together a list of all the things you miss.
23. Tell your readers about your job and why you wanted to become xyz.
24. Give examples of fictional characters you can identify with.
25. Compile a list of all the things you’re grateful for.
26. Put together a Christmas wishlist with all the things you would love to have, if money didn’t matter.
27. Write about something a person said to you and share how you feel about it.
28. Share your guilty pleasures, pet-peeves, cravings etc.
29. Stop, listen and write about what you hear. Try to describe the sounds.
30. Share the story of your tattoos, if you have any.

Find me on social media: Twitter Instagram Facebook Pinterest Bloglovin

About haileyjaderyan

⋅ 34 ⋅ a rollercoaster ride ⋅ undateable ⋅ dreamer ⋅ explorer ⋅ disney obsessed ⋅ ♥
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8 Responses to 30 Writing Prompts for Lifestyle Bloggers #2

  1. gotmeghan says:

    This is a good list of different ideas. I might do 10, 11, 15, 20 & 22 sometime in November and December. Thank you :)


  2. Honey says:

    I actually have your post from 2016 in my favorites so I’ll definitely add this one too. So many great ideas!
    xo Honey – blog Royal LifestyleTwitterInstagram


  3. Pingback: Blogtober – That’s A Wrap | The Undateable Girl's Diary

  4. Pingback: Goodbye October 2018 | The Undateable Girl's Diary

  5. Such great ideas! Will need to look back on this for future posts


  6. Pingback: 30 Writing Prompts For Lifestyle Bloggers #3 | The Undateable Girl's Diary

  7. Pingback: 30 Writing Prompts For Lifestyle Bloggers #4 | The Undateable Girl's Diary

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